- Our Preschool Ministry will remain closed until our church fully reopens. All preschoolers who come to our church in-person will stay with their parents.
- We will have a Baby Dedication ceremony on Sunday, May 30. and a class for participating parents on Saturday, May 22, at 11am in our Fellowship Hall. To participate, or if you have questions, please contact Pastor Soo. Please register by May 16.
- Starting on Sunday, June 6, children who come in-person on Sunday mornings will be able to join their teachers, one grade per classroom, for a hybrid format Sunday service! Parents will be required to sign up beforehand to reserve a spot for their children on Sunday mornings.For families who continue to join us online, nothing will change for your Children or Youth. They will continue to join their services online, the same way they have been doing.
- We are planning a hybrid format Youth service for this summer. Youth Group parents, please help us know how many youth plan to come to church in-person by filling out this survey: bit.ly/FKBCYouthInPerson
- Vision Ministry and A3 will start their summer Bible study on June 4, going through a book called Even Better than Eden. Please sign up at this link by May 23 so we know how many books to order. bit.ly/EvenBetterThanEden
- For those who completed our Spring Semester Sunday School classes on Devotions and Apologetics, we will have a time of recognition during service on May 23.
- Our church is offering the Kairos class this spring, from May 21-29. The course takes an in-depth look at God’s heart for missions, and how we can participate in what He is doing around the world. This course will meet in-person at the church daily, from 7-9pm on weekdays and 1-3:30pm on weekends. The cost is $120, and there is a maximum of 15 spots available in the class. Sign up at bit.ly/Kairos2021fkbc
- Our church is now open for limited in-person services! Masks and social distancing are required, and children and youth must stay with their parents. There are no in-person Children’s or Youth programs at this time. We will continue to live-stream our 11am Sunday morning worship service.
- The Children’s Ministry is updating contact information for all our kids. Parents, please fill out this Google form here so we know how to best communicate with you.
- Please join us in prayer as we seek God’s guidance in our EM Pastor Search. Sign up for our prayer chain here to commit to a time slot.
- The EM Pastor Search Committee wants to hear from our congregation to learn what we think is important as they search for a new EM Pastor. Fill out the survey here.
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! We invite you to our two-part New Members class on May 23 and 30. Email newcomers@hoperaleigh.org for more details.
- All other in-person church services and activities have been suspended.
- Kids K-5, join us for Kids Konnect Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7pm! The videos and group chats can be accessed here. Parents can also find Parent Resources as well as Weekly Challenge Cards. Kids can trade in these printable Challenge Cards for prizes at the church building every Wednesday, 11am-5pm.
- Daily prayer times from home at 6am, 1pm, and 9pm.
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/