- Our Preschool Ministry will open for in-person meetings starting Sunday, July 4. Parents must sign up each week to reserve a spot for their children here.
- Vacation Bible School is coming, July 12-16! We will be fully virtual again this summer. Materials can be picked up at the church office during regular office hours, Tues-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 10am-1pm.
- Pastor Soo and Chris Lee will lead EM Leader Training this summer on Saturdays, 11:30am-12:30pm, starting on July 10, for 8 weeks. The sessions will be hybrid, meeting at church and on Zoom. Please sign up here. If you have already signed up, please pick up your book at Pastor Soo’s office.
- Friendz Cafe is open on Sundays, 10am – 1pm, in our Vision Library! Come by and purchase coffee, ice cream, and baked goods to support our Friends Team children and volunteers!
- Our church is now open for limited in-person services! Masks and social distancing are required — please read all of our safety guidelines here. We will continue to live-stream our 11am Sunday morning worship service.
- The EM Pastor Search Committee wants to hear from our congregation to learn what we think is important as they search for a new EM Pastor. Fill out the survey here.
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! Email newcomers@hoperaleigh.org for more details.
- We will have a Q&A on Sunday, July 11, at 12:30pm to discuss potential changes to our Sunday service meeting times.
- Our college ministry is looking for college students and college-aged young adults to lead and serve in Vision Ministry this upcoming fall semester. If you are interested, please let us know here.
- Daily prayer times from home at 6am, 1pm, and 9pm.
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/