- Join us as our EM congregation reads through the Bible together in 2022! Please find the daily reading plan here
- Our church will be distributing tax reports for your 2021 giving by email at the end of February. Please confirm your email address with your small group leader. If you need your tax report earlier, or you would like to receive a paper copy, please speak with your small group leader.
- Please join us for our biweekly EM prayer meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of every month, starting at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room. Our next prayer meeting is on Wednesday, February 16.
- Our church is offering the Kairos class this semester on Sundays after service, 1:30-4pm, starting in March. The course takes an in-depth look at God’s heart for missions, and how we can participate in what He is doing around the world. The cost is $60 for our church members and $120 for those who are not members. Sign up at bit.ly/Kairos2022FKBC
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! We invite you to take our two-part New Members Class on February 20 and 27. Email newcomers@hoperaleigh.org for more details.
- Pastor Soo wants to pray with you and for you! Please share your prayer requests with him at https://bit.ly/hope_prayer
- Friendz Cafe is open on Sundays, 10am – 1pm, in our Vision Library! Come by and purchase coffee, ice cream, and baked goods to support our Friends Team children and volunteers!
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/