- 🍱 Lunch: Lego lunch is on pause for the rest of the year
- Our church will hold our annual Christmas Performances on Sunday, December 24, at 1:30pm. If you would like to take part, please speak with Pastor Soo by December 10.
- Our Media Team is looking for more volunteers. Fill out the form at bit.ly/MediaTeamVolunteer to volunteer or to ask for more information.
- Our EM men play basketball every Saturday evening, 7pm-9pm, in our church gym. If you’re 30 or older, come join us! Contact Chris for more information at bball30@hoperaleigh.org
- Our Ephesus College Ministry has started up again for the new semester! We meet every Friday evening at 7pm for dinner and Bible study at 7:30pm, and we meet in the Choir Room, which is on the second floor of this building. If you need a ride from your campus, please get in touch with Ashley Kim, Tim Son, or Yuna Kim, or email us at the address on the screen.
- We need more volunteers to drive vans to the different college campuses on Fridays and Sundays. If you’re able to help, please contact Deacon Peter at peteryun@hoperaleigh.org
- Join us as our EM congregation reads through the Bible together in 2023! Please find the daily reading plan here
- Please join us for our biweekly EM prayer meetings on the first and third Wednesdays of every month, starting at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room. Please join us for our next prayer meeting on Wednesday, December 6, at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room.
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! If you’d like to learn more about our church, please email our Newcomers Ministry at newcomers@hoperaleigh.org
- Pastor Soo wants to pray with you and for you! Please share your prayer requests with him at https://bit.ly/hope_prayer
- Friendz Cafe is open on Sundays, 10am – 1pm, in our Vision Library! Come by and purchase coffee, ice cream, and baked goods to support our Friends Team children and volunteers!
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/