- Our next baptism service will be on Sunday, April 6. If you would like to be baptized, please email Pastor Soo by February 23.
- Luke Clinic’s 14th Annual Community Health Fair will be held on February 15 at Cary Endocrine and Diabetes Center in Cary and on February 22 at our church. While most services will be first-come first-served, some do require appointments. Please visit https://www.lukecharityclinic.org/en/copy-of-%EC%95%88%EA%B3%BC for more information.
- Our next Women’s Fellowship outing will be on Saturday, February 8, at 11am at Umiya Raleigh. Sign up by February 3 at bit.ly/LHRWomensFellowship or talk with Suhra Lee (suhralee@hoperaleigh.org) or Yessi Won (yessi@hoperaleigh.org) for more information.
- Join us as our EM congregation reads through the Bible together in 2025! We will be utilizing, Everyday Gospel by Paul David Tripp
- Our Young Adults are invited to our All-Corinth Retreat on April 25-27. More details to come soon! Contact Shin Song at youngadults@hoperaleigh.org for more information.
- Do you want to help us plan the 2025 EM Retreat? Contact Chuck Moon at chuckmoon@hoperaleigh.org for more information.
- Our Preschool Ministry is looking for a volunteer to teach an English-language preschool class. For more information, contact Praise Lim at praiselcy@fkbc.org or sign up at bit.ly/PreKVolunteer
- Our college students need rides to church on Sunday mornings and Friday evenings! Find more information and sign up to serve at bit.ly/CollegeStudentsNeedRides
- Our English Ministry Praise Team is looking for a new drummer and a sound technician! If you are a church member, 18 or older, with relevant experience and would like to serve our congregation in this way, contact Phil at philk@hoperaleigh.org
- Our Corinth Young Adult Ministry meets on the first and third Fridays of every month for fellowship and worship. We hope to see you there!
- The Children’s Ministry needs teachers and teaching assistants. Contact Pastor Aaron at abradley@fkbc.org
- Please join us for our biweekly EM prayer meetings on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month, starting at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room. Please join us for our next prayer meeting on Wednesday, February 12, at 7:30pm in the Vision Center Choir Room.
- If you’re newer to our church, welcome! If you’d like to learn more about our church, please email our Newcomers Ministry at newcomers@hoperaleigh.org
- Pastor Soo wants to pray with you and for you! Please share your prayer requests with him at https://bit.ly/hope_prayer
- Friendz Cafe is open on Sundays, 10am – 1pm, in our Vision Library! Come by and purchase coffee, ice cream, and baked goods to support our Friends Team children and volunteers!
- Online giving: http://bit.ly/FKBC-EMgive
- Other church information sources: https://www.facebook.com/LivingHopeRaleigh/